Mapping of Oncology Infrastructure and Need-gap analysis across ASEAN and APAC

Our Client: A global medical technologies manufacturer dealing with medical devices, medical consumables and drug delivery systems

Challenge Statement: For strategic planning regarding pricing, market access and overall marketing strategy, the client wanted to understand the future outlook of reimbursement of medical consumables in India

EMeRG Approach: 

  • Desk Research – An exhaustive desk research was conducted across medical literature and commercial open sources to map the impact of diabetes on Indian population. Desk research was also conducted  to understand the current market dynamics of medical consumables and pathology labs in India
  • In Depth Interviews were conducted with diabetologists and other specialists, Medical Directors of hospitals; pathology lab owners; BU Heads and product managers at Health insurance  companies; pharmacists and patients

Research Outcome: Reimbursement as a terminology was loosely understood in India. The possibility of medical consumables and diabetes delivery products being included within private health insurance schemes was ruled out. However, key state government schemes were identified, and pricing strategies were evaluated. Based on EMeRG’s recommendation, a top-level pricing strategy as well as penetration strategy into public accounts was created. Addressable market was estimated, and internal understanding of customer segments revised

EMeRG Value Add: 

Local Knowledge: Understanding of local pricing dynamics, margins and procurement cycles helped streamline a long-term pricing strategy

Research Experience: By liaising with top KOLs, the long­term possibilities of reimbursement trends were assessed


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